50 Episodes of A Spoonful of Recovery

I began A Spoonful of Recovery when I was bed-bound and just about accepting my long-term illnesses. I recorded on my phone how I felt being diagnosed, an episode later I mentioned my goals, and now i've hit 50 episodes. https://anchor.fm/about-me-group

One of the common things about having a chronic/invisible illness is how isolating and lonely it can be. Your life can become pain, surviving pain and how to ignore the pain and explain the pain. I felt exhausted and still do at times constantly having to prove how my life has changed and the way I have to plan around my energy. And how one day I may be ok and the next day I may struggle to move.

After a few episodes of me sharing my experience I brought guests on to share their journey. I haven't met most of the people on my podcast but I have found a lot more in common with them. There have been conversations about misdiagnosis, medical gaslighting, relationships and support. A huge thank you to everyone who has featured on the podcast, shared it and listened.

I'll see you when I hit the next milestone.


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